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Remember last year when I said I wanted to do something “out there” for my 50th birthday? I wound up doing 50 3-minute Kendo matches. That was awesome. What can I do this year?

Kendo’s probably out due to Covid-19 precautions, so here’s my idea for this year: Cycle 510 km in one weekend.

That’s “out there”, considering I have less than 2 months to be able to get in good enough shape to ride at least 150 km for two days and 210 km the last day.

Yeah, probably not a good idea.

But, how about riding 510 km in my birthday week? That seems plausible. I could do 100 km on the Sunday and Saturday, then 60+ km on weekdays.

That’s plausible.

Hey Georges! Want to do another 100 km around Niagara? 🙂